Sunday 25 July 2010

Sky News creates new word: "Capains"

On Tuesday just before noon, as I watched Sky News with Colin Brazier, I noticed that one of their usually meticulous copy writers for the text input on the rotating "Breaking News" banner at the bottom of the screen had made a spelling Faux Pas. The mistake took the form of a misspelt word pertaining to the Ryder Cup vice-captain choices of Golfer Colin Montgomerie and I watched as its luminous yellow background blazed the shameful error onto my retinas every few seconds. So with a spring in my step, I rushed off for my camera to try to capture this unusual occurrence on my digital sensor before the powers that be discovered their blunder and removed it from the fluctuating short-term memories of a half-bored public.

This close-up snip shows it’s only one letter that’s missing (the ‘t’ in ‘Captains’) but as it’s Sky News, I figured this slip-up may be of interest to others out there in the blogging world, so enjoy the newly created word they've now given to us gratis - "Capains" (plural):

Why put this up at all, you may ask? Well, I did a similar story about The Daily Mail Online a while back and just enjoyed the feelings of superiority, egotism and self-importance that my pedantism created within my moribund, narcissistic and self-absorbed persona, so happy days ahead! At least my incoherent rambling fills out another section in my blog with a minimum of commitment to writing, I suppose...

Finally, if I was lucky enough to have a job where my grammar, punctuation and spelling were counted upon with every keystroke I made, then I'd be pretty chuffed with such a position and would ensure I didn't make a single mistake. This attitude prevails due to the atrocious employment I've had to undertake over the last 25 years in order to survive, so believe me when I say I wouldn't look a gift horse like Sky News in the mouth and take them for granted, no matter what: even if my working day entailed having an open dictionary stapled to my forehead with its pages dangling down in front of my eyes, I'd make sure my copy was word-perfect each and every time!

I mean, when are we going to use "capains" in a sentence anyway, eh?

(All and any suggestions welcome)

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